Wirral Wheelie Bin Cleaning Service

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Welcome To Wirral Wheelie Bin Cleaning Services

D & D Wheelie Bin Cleaning Services provide a professional wheelie bin cleaning service to the whole of the wirral. We have been cleaning both domestic and comercial bins on the wirral for almost two decades, with over 1,700 customers many who have been with us for the last 18 years.

This is down to a few simple reasons…

  1. We are professional
  2. We are reliable3 bins £2.50
  3. We offer great vaule for money at a low cost

The Bin Cleaning Process

Once you have a booked a clean, our trained staff will arrive at your chosen address in a purpose bulit vechicle, on the day your wheelie bin is collected and emptied. Your bin is then loaded into the back of our vechicle, where no  rubbish or debris is going onto the streets, it is then jetwashed, scrubbed and cleaned. We then deodorise and disnifect your bin using only enviromentally friendly products before placing a extra heavy duty bin liner in and returning it to its designated area.

To Book Our Service

Simply click here

sparkly bin

“We guarantee you will be pleased with the results”







Wirral Wheelie Bin Cleaning Services.